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You're viewing Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 4 : Wall Of Fire Cheat Codes

Game Name : Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 4 : Wall Of Fire
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-12-03 13:37:45
Views : 23372

Unlimited Soldiers
Use the War command and select a general to go into battle. Assign the maximum number of men to his unit. When they asked for confirmation for going to war select the ''No''option. Remove the general from the list of commanders and reassign him to the post. Return to the troop assignment screen. The number of men available should be multiply by the number that was assigned earlier. Repeat this process to increase the number of men, but don't go back to the main menu.

Form Anti-Dong Zhuo Coalition
Select the first scenario (Dong Zhuo Triumphs in Luo Yang), then select Cao Cao as your leader. On your very first turn, move some generals and troops to Xu Chang. A few months later, Cao Cao will call a meeting, asking all the other leaders to form an alliance against Dong Zhuo. If Yuan Shao joins, he will become leader; otherwise, Cao Cao will become leader. This makes defeating Dong Zhuo a bit easier, depending on who joins you (such as Yuan Shao or Ma Teng).

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